LW Family Tent MSF type

Dome tent

 Usable floor area: 21.50 m2
 Central height: 2.25 m / 2.10 m
 Wall height: Dome shaped
 Lenght x Width: 4.30 x 4.30 m
 Packing: 2 carton boxes
 Weight: 52 kg
 Volume: 234 x 80 x 76
 Color: Grey / white
 Frame: 2 x aluminum poles in black color. Diameter: 13 mm. Lenght: 812 cm 13 section. For corner to corner  erection.
2 x aluminum poles in silver color. Diameter: 13 mm. Lenght: 682 cm 11 section. For side tot side erection.
2 x aluminum poles in black color. Diameter: 13 mm. Lenght: 455 cm  6 section. For front to rear vestibule erection.
 Windows:  2 / 2 / 2 Protected with Dura Net
 Material: Outer fold: Made of breathable material from a blend of polyester & cotton.
Middle fold: Made of 80 g / m2 polyester felt filling.   
Inner fold: Made of breathable material from a blend of polyester & cotton.
All three folds stitched together as quilt.
 Accessories: All required tools and accessories for ready use. Hammer, steel pegs & assembly instruction.



T: +31 (0)182 670 167
E: info@debaanderij.nl
